Brooklyn Egg Diet

December 20, 2022

Brooklyn Egg Diet is associated with one of the legendary New York City majors, Ed Koch. It is believed that the menu was specially designed by his personal nutritionist in 1979, helping him to lose weight.

Brooklyn Egg Diet

Brooklyn Egg Diet is the most effective diet for those who love eggs, calmly endures the absence of dairy products in the diet. The peculiarity of Brooklyn Egg Diet is that it consists of only two weeks. You can eat three meals a day, and even after six o’clock in the evening, so you can afford a late dinner three hours before bedtime. Products can be baked, boiled, cooked in a slow cooker or steamed, but the use of any oils should be excluded. Therefore, it is better to bake in a sleeve or foil, or steam to make the dishes juicy.

Brooklyn Egg Diet

Brooklyn Egg Diet: first week

  • Monday
    Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
    Lunch: 2 eggs and grapefruit
    Dinner: 2 eggs, salad of vegetables and greens, a slice of dried toast bread, grapefruit and coffee.

Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
Lunch: 2 eggs, tomatoes and coffee.
Dinner: steak, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, olives and coffee.

  • Wednesday
    Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
    Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach and coffee.
    Dinner: 2 lamb chops, celery, cucumber, tomatoes and tea.

Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach and coffee.
Dinner: 2 eggs, cottage cheese, a slice of dried toast bread and cabbage.

  • Friday
    Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
    Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach and coffee.
    Dinner: fish of your choice, vegetable salad, grapefruit and a slice of toasted bread.

Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
Lunch: fruit salad in unlimited quantities (as much as you can eat).
Dinner: steak, celery, cucumber, tomatoes and coffee.

  • Sunday
    Breakfast: grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), black coffee or tea.
    Lunch: chicken, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, grapefruit and coffee.
    Dinner: cold chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit.

Brooklyn Egg Diet

Brooklyn Egg Diet: second week

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus.
Lunch: salad and some chicken.
Dinner: orange, salad and two boiled eggs.

  • Tuesday
    Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus fruit.
    Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and stewed vegetables.
    Dinner: salad and grilled fish.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus.
Lunch: salad and a piece of chicken.
Dinner: orange, vegetable salad and 2 boiled eggs.

  • Thursday
    Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus fruit.
    Lunch: stewed vegetables, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese and 2 boiled eggs.
    Dinner: salad and chicken.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus.
Lunch: Salad and grilled salmon (or your favorite fish).
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and salad.

  • Saturday
    Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus.
    Lunch: salad and some chicken.
    Dinner: your favorite fruit.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and your favorite citrus.
Lunch: steamed vegetables and chicken.
Dinner: same as lunch.

Brooklyn Egg Diet