
December 20, 2018

Brogues — shoe model, which is characterized by patterns of small holes. According to the legend, the idea of the first brogues belongs to Irish farmers. It was they who started making holes through the shoes so that the water entering them would pass through, and the shoe would dry out faster. They gave them the name “Brogues” which came from the Irish word “bróga” (“shoes”). Under the conditions of the marshland, the invention was purely functional, but over time it passed into the decorative section.


Decorative perforation on footwear (brogging) is a separate criterion by which brogues are classified into quarter-brogues, semi-brogues and full-brogues. Some connoisseurs also distinguish a separate fourth type, called ‘longwing brogues’, where wingtip toe with wings extends the full length of the shoe.
