How to Choose Your Hair Color
Light curls are best for girls with the very fair skin: they add lively “warmth” and visually highlight the facial features, while darker shades, on the contrary, make them look more “heavy”. Though the hair color should still look natural – only owners of blue or light gray eyes can experiment with platinum tones.
Suitable for the light skin with a warm tone. Choose the shades from copper to brick, as well as combine with the clothes of olive, green or orange colors to create the perfect match. If your eyes are light green, the red hair will make them look even brighter.
Will be just great if you have the combination of the light skin and dark eyes. Having brown or dark green eyes – do not dye hair only in one color, add some light caramel, honey, or walnut to the classic blonde color. Thus the image will be more voluminous and expressive. If you are not a fan of light curls, feel free to choose darker shades to match the brown eyes – they will create an expressive contrast with the skin.
Light Chocolate
Choose the light chocolate color, if you have olive skin tones. Olive can look both warm and pale at the same time. To avoid the latter, you need to add some more contrast and light, choosing chocolate brown or even black colors. The Fashiongton Post advises to opt for the honey and beige shades if you are the owner of the light color of the eyes.
Dark Brown
For those of you who has the dark skin color, or just if you cannot imagine life without tan – choose the dark shades of brown and hazelnut. Unlike cold black, they will create a more natural contrast and you will look like you never dyed your hair at all.