How to Keep Your Hair Styled in Bad Weather

What to do if strong winds and rains are affecting your styling? The Fashiongton Post shares proven ways how to keep your hair styled in all weather conditions.
What can ruin the day more than bad weather? — A situation when a freshly done styling turns into an absolute disgrace! The problem becomes especially relevant when a strong wind is raging outside the window, and forecasters predict prolonged downpours. If you want to look your 100% in any situation — these tips on how to keep styling in bad weather will come in handy. Before leaving the house, you should resort to some tricks that will help protect your hair from moisture and unexpected gusts of wind, making all your morning styling efforts not in vain.
Styling primer
A primer is the base that prepares strands for application of styling or grooming products. Choose a product for your hair type and treat wet strands before blow-drying to smooth your hair while maintaining its style. This can be a modeling spray, fixative cream or leave-in emulsion, which will also provide easy combing and remove static electricity.
Strong hold hairspray
It may seem a little too obvious, but fixing agents can actually work wonders and are the main weapon in the fight to maintain styling. Just choose the appropriate hairspray and spray it all over your head. But there is one nuance — apply the product at a distance of at least 30 centimeters so that the hairspray does not freeze with an ugly film, but remains invisible, while maintaining the airiness, mobility and naturalness of the hairstyle.
Smoothing agents
On those days when the weather once again decides to show who is in charge, trust in hair straighteners that protect your styling from wind and rain. After all, even smooth ironed strands run the risk of instantly turning into a “dandelion” if they are not pre-treated with special compounds.
For thin curls, weightless styling foams are best suited, and for those with dense and heavy strands, we can confidently recommend liquid styling lotions. It is also important here to correctly recognize the suitable product — choose those that will fill and restrain the hair, but will not additionally weigh it down and leave a sticking effect.
Practical hairstyles
So that inclement weather does not confuse you, choose the right styling for such cases — those that will keep in the wind and rain. And if the weather catches by surprise, these quick windy hairstyles will help you regain your decent look quickly.
And don’t forget to complement bad weather hairstyles with bright elastic bands, hairpins, and other hair accessories to dilute the grayness outside the window and look even cooler!