How To Lose Weight and Start Training
Spring is the ideal season to finally start taking care of your body and begin your regular fitness training, and it’s not because summer is coming and you feel urge to get rid of a few extra kilos, but because sunny days and fresh air bring you a new portion of energy and set you up to an active regime. If you are not yet in a fitness mode, start right now with these tips from The Fashiongton Post.
Start at home
If you feel sick when thinking of a gym, allow yourself to start from the small steps, and work out at home, in your familiar surroundings. Not everyone has the time and opportunity to regularly attend workouts or hire a coach, and this is normal. We recommend not to be limited to simple exercises, squats and abdominal exercises, but also use some kind of the simple equipment, as for example an elastic band, wide or narrow. Always keep it on hand and when you get a couple of free minutes – do some exercises with it, instead of being distracted by social networks.
Stick to the regimen
May your workouts be not that frequent at first, but follow them strictly, and precisely on the days you have planned. This will help to get used to sports discipline and form the set of your basic exercises, gradually adding new ones to the list. The main thing is to combine both strength and cardio exercises within one week. We also advise not to neglect the exercises aimed at the development of flexibility and mobility, so make sure you devote a separate day to those too. This may be yoga, pilates, or prolonged stretching.
Be active
A non-training day does not mean you may lie on a sofa for the whole day, so don’t forget to maintain a normal level of activity, walk, dance, etc. Even if you are very tired and want to lie under a blanket, it’s better to make yourself move a little bit – go ride a bike or just walk to a nearby store. Any mobility improves your well-being and quality of life, as well as a guarantee of healthy joints, so they are better saturated with nutrients, and assist in tissue renovation.